Before You Enroll, Please Consider the Following:


Time Commitment

This program is a multi-year commitment. It requires a total of at least 200 professional development hours, which includes workshops, programs, teaching, a community partnership project, and site visits to environmental education centers across the state. The 200 hours must be completed within 4 years of the enrollment date. Candidates may also count previous qualifying workshops, classes and other experiences that have occurred one year prior to enrollment. There will be no exceptions made to this policy.

Associated Costs

Many of the credit experiences are free, but note that some workshops, programs and classes may have fees to cover cost of materials, entrance fees, facility use fees, etc. While some content and workshops are online, the completion of Criteria I, III and III will require travel to parks, gardens, forests, museums, nature centers, an other sites in North Carolina considered "environmental education centers." 

Timely Submission of Credits

Program enrollees are expected to submit credits by EE Forms on a regular basis, preferably one or a few at the time as the activities are completed. Enrollees who do not submit credits within one year of their enrollment date may be dropped from the program.

Technology Requirements

Enrollees need easy access to a computer, and an email account that can be associated with their online account which keeps a record of credits. This should be the same email used to send EE Forms to the EE Certification Program Managers. Access to a scanner or scanning app for a mobile device is helpful in submitting EE Forms. Some workshops, programs, and classes may require a smart phone or similar mobile device. Many workshops and programs are outside, so they may require appropriate footwear and clothing for conditions. 

North Carolina-based Program 

Credit experiences from other states can be used toward certification and there are no specific requirements that the enrollee reside in North Carolina. However, note that the North Carolina program has specific requirements for Criteria I workshops that may not be easily available outside of the state, and many professional development experiences in North Carolina have been developed with the EE Certification Program in mind. Also, at least five site visit hours must be done within North Carolina, with no exceptions for out-of-state participants. 

Prerequisite and Enrollment

If you are ready to enroll, go to this account link to set up your pending account. Before acceptance the to program, you must successfully complete and submit the online Basics of Environmental Education workshop. Once it is reviewed and accepted, your account will be activated and you will receive an enrollment confirmation by email. The completed Basics of Environmental Education will provide your first 10 hours of credit--you'll be on your way! 

*You must 18 years of age or older may apply for certification.


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