There are many state, regional, and national organizations that support environmental education efforts in North Carolina. This list represents just a few of the partners our office works with on special projects and grants.

Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC) is North Carolina’s affiliate of the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), an integrated network of professionals in the field of environmental education with membership throughout North America and more than 55 countries.
EENC is a membership-based organization that is run by an elected, volunteer board and a hired executive director. To meet the needs of smaller groups throughout the state, North Carolina is organized into four sections: Western, Piedmont, Central, and Eastern. Committee, section meetings, and retreats occur throughout the year and culminate at the statewide annual conference.

NCAEEC, formed in 1996, works to foster cooperation among our state's Environmental Education Centers. Four specific objectives guide the activities of the NCAEEC:
(1) Establish regular and multiple lines of communication among Environmental Education Centers;
(2) Create and maintain a central clearinghouse of information about Environmental Education Centers;
(3) Build public awareness and support for Environmental Education Centers;
(4) Develop and promote standards of excellence for Environmental Education Centers.

The Southeast Environmental Education Alliance (SEEA) is a network of state affiliates of the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) located in the southeastern region of the U.S. Member states include AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, and TN.

Chartered by Congress in 1990, the National Environmental Education & Training Foundation (NEEF) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing environmental education in its many forms. We aspire to build a nationwide environmentally literate community that cares for and protects the environment at home, at work, and in its communities.

NAAEE is the professional association for environmental education. Our members promote professional excellence in nonformal organizations, K-12 classrooms, universities (both instructors and students), government agencies, and corporate settings throughout North America and in over 55 other countries. Since 1971, the Association has created opportunities for its members to improve their skills in creating and delivering programs and services that teach people how to think, not what to think.

The National Environmental Education Act of 1990 established the Office of Environmental Education (OEE), which was first funded in 1992.
Since 1992, OEE has developed and supported programs to improve understanding of the environment, innovatively using collaborative partnerships with other organizations within the field of environmental education. Today, OEE leads and implements various programs to develop and disseminate model curricula, educational materials, and environmental education publications; to support environmental education seminars, workshops, and training programs for education professionals; and to provide grants and fellowships that further the field of environmental education.